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Wednesday, July 29, 2023
Professor Anderson

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Professor Tiya Miles Featured in Teaching Tolerance

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2023 Feb 10

Global History Seminar: Mandy M. Izadi, "The Age of Oil and the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma"


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Robinson Hall, 35 Quincy Street, Lower Library

... Read more 人民法院报 - chinacourt.org:2021-10-27 · “院长信箱”是黑龙江法院网69个栏目中的重要栏目之一,旨在便利群众反映问题,开通民意网上直通车。黑龙江高院还制定了《“院长信箱”所涉案件、事项办理工作的实施细则》,规范信箱留言的梳理、批转、办理和答复等流程。

2023 Feb 11

胡锦涛开通“网络民意直通车”-东北网国内-东北网:2021-6-28 · 早在2021年,胡锦涛、温家宝就公开了网民身伇,向外界展现对互联网的重视;2021至2021年,温家宝连续四年在“两会”中外记者招待会上主动问候中国网民,并感谢网民分忧,公开肯定了这种“民意直达高层直通车”的沟通方式;去年初,中共中央政治局集体学习



粤澳提出全面构建合作新格局-粤澳-东北网国内:2021-12-9 · 新华网广州12月9日电 8日上午在珠海召开的2021年粤澳合作联席会议提出,"十一五"期间,澳门特别行政区和广东省政府将继续秉承"前瞻、全局、务实、互利"原则,积极拓宽合作领域,提高合作水平,全面构建粤澳经贸合作新格局、民生合作新格局和文化合作新格局。
... Read more about Susan Burch, Committed: Native Self-determination, Kinship, Institutionalization, and Remembering
2023 Feb 11

Coproduction of Health Care for Indigenous Women



CGSI South, S-250

... Read more about Coproduction of Health Care for Indigenous Women

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Featured Courses

FRSEMR631: The First Americans: Portraits of Indigenous Power and Diplomacy





Shawon Kinew
Fall 2023, Friday, 12-2:45pm

Harvard’s Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology is home to 25 oil portraits of indigenous American leaders painted in the first half of the 19th century. Originally commissioned to preserve cultures an American bureaucrat feared would be extinct, these paintings transcend a moribund history. In fact, the Native American nations represented are still here. Moreover, these portraits have much to teach us about diplomacy, power, representation and indigeneity in 2023. The Peabody portraits, painted by the...

Read more about FRSEMR631: The First Americans: Portraits of Indigenous Power and Diplomacy

HISTSCI 123CS Starstruck! The History, Culture, and Politics of American Astronomy





Sara Schechner
Tuesdays, 3:00pm-5:45pm

This hands-on course will introduce key episodes and issues in the history of American astronomy by close looking at rare early scientific instruments and tangible objects in Harvard collections.  Starting with the story of Captain John Smith, Pocahontas, and a sundial, the course will move from colonial relations with Native Americans to the controversial placement of observatories on sacred mountaintops today.  In between, we will discuss the roles of religion, politics, science, and culture in the...

Read more about HISTSCI 123CS Starstruck! The History, Culture, and Politics of American Astronomy

EDU S515 Emancipatory Inquiry: Listening, Learning, and Acting for Social Change





Aaliyah El-Amin
Wednesdays, 1:00pm-4:00pm

Throughout history, social justice movements and social justice organizations have utilized disciplined inquiry or research to highlight untold stories, illuminate goodness, expose power and colonialism, and offer pathways to more equity and freedom. Yet, we often do not provide educators or doctoral students with research methodology training oriented to these aims. More specifically, we often do not provide educators in the field or doctoral students with research methodology training beyond those...

Read more about EDU S515 Emancipatory Inquiry: Listening, Learning, and Acting for Social Change
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Fellowships, Scholarships and Grants

  • HUNAP Fellowships and Grants

    人民法院报 - chinacourt.org:2021-10-27 · “院长信箱”是黑龙江法院网69个栏目中的重要栏目之一,旨在便利群众反映问题,开通民意网上直通车。黑龙江高院还制定了《“院长信箱”所涉案件、事项办理工作的实施细则》,规范信箱留言的梳理、批转、办理和答复等流程。

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  • Harvard Scholarships

    Additionally, the American Indian College Fund manages a Harvard specific fully-funded scholarship to Harvard Law School.

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50th Anniversary

HUNAP turns 50 in 2023! Originally established in 1970 as the American Indian Program (AIP), the Harvard University Native American Program (HUNAP) has served as a home to the Indigenous community on campus for decades while also serving as a scholarly resource and advocate for Indigenous issues inside and outside of Harvard University.

比巴厘岛美,比马伋便宜,这才是这个冬天最该去的地方 ...:2021-11-20 · 原标题:比巴厘岛美,比马伋便宜,这才是这个冬天最该去的地方!不知不觉2021年已经不足两个月的时间在全国大部分城市都处在冻成狗的天气,不少人说:“我想去海岛游泳!”@图虫YangBohan今天小编给你伊介绍一处冬天最该去的地方比巴厘岛美,比马伋便宜不超过300